Primum non nocere
A body at rest
Tends to stay at rest
A body in motion
Tends to stay in motion
My body is not at rest
For every action
There is an equal and opposite
I am an actor
Surrounded by actors
We are always acting
There are three basic rules:
The bleeding always stops;
If it looks bad, it is; and
If you drop the baby
Pick it up
Can you hear me?
Stop, drop and roll
Look, listen and feel
Fifteen chest compressions
At a rate of 100 per minute:
One and two and three and four and
A body at rest
Tends to stay at rest
My body is not at rest
My body tends to stay in motion
We lose heat quickly
In cold water
Hypothermic people have difficulty
Thinking clearly
May I have a black iced tea, please?
No sweetener
Drown-proofing is mostly a matter of
Discovering and accepting
My natural buoyancy
Even if that means floating
Below the surface
I am floating below the surface and
If I push the water toward my feet
I’ll move upward, head-first
My lips will break the
Surface of the water and
I will breathe
A body at rest tends to stay at rest
I am relaxed; I am c-c-c-calm
Baby, baby, are you okay?