Sunset Walk

Sunset Walk

(for Danielle)

After a chaotic day inside

we take a long sunset walk

breathing in that special time

that isn’t daytime anymore

but isn’t nighttime yet


We stroll, in twilight

side by side

rarely talking

We don’t need to


I feel the earth, soft

under my feet

the breeze, warm

on my cheek

I hear the birds

ready for evening frolic

We say nothing

but I know you hear them, too


We have our own language

like bird song

but mostly silent

We use our faces, especially our eyes

but really all of our faces

to say

I love you; I miss you

I wish you were here, please hold my hand


We take a long sunset walk

breathing in that special time

that isn’t daytime anymore

but isn’t nighttime yet


I love you; I miss you

I wish you were here


Please hold my hand





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