Gratitude 1



Do you ever talk to your computer?

I do

Not every day, but sometimes I find

myself speaking my thoughts aloud


For example, when I’ve just finished

watching a good movie –

one that really moved me,

I say “thank you” as I push the button

on the side of my laptop that opens

the small drawer that houses dvds

when they’re being “read”


Or when I watch a post-game interview

with James Wade, the beautifully

humble head coach of the Chicago Sky

after his team has lost in the last

few seconds of a critical playoff game to the Las Vegas Aces

on a questionable half-court prayer

of a shot by the incredible Havlicekian

Dearica Hanby…


James Wade says, without hesitation

or apology, “She stepped out of bounds”

and then goes on to praise the Aces

but mostly lets us know how much he

loves his own team


Even though it’s a cliché,

he says without a hint of irony

that the Sky has been extraordinary

this season because of what each player

brings to the court every day


The players deserve the credit


like the dairy farmer accepting

an award for Dairy Farmer of the Year

who says

“It really wasn’t me, fellas. 

The udders did it.”


I watch James Wade

and I think of his incredible team

and again I say “thank you”

for all the joy and inspiration

I get from watching them

play basketball

the way the game should be played


Thank you, thank you

Thank you




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